Rome, 5-7 December 2013
Over the last years international research findings have given rise to the idea that educational progress, whether in terms of equality or effectiveness, mainly rests upon each school’s improvement. The crucial point is to understand how to get schools to improve.. Traditional views on school autonomy have benefitted much from approaches tackling issues such as networking and shared decision-making among leaders, teaching staff, families and policy-makers.
The European Policy Network on School Leadership (EPNoSL)’s mission is to generate and bring together actions in this field: research and dissemination of research findings, policy support, creation and development of resource centres. It is within this framework that the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon and l’Institut Français de l’Éducation organised a conference called “Transformations in the pedagogical structures of schools: the issue of leadership. Debates around the contribution of international research.” in Lyon on 3 and 4 April 2012. This meeting provided a contribution in comparing Anglophone and Scandinavian experiences together with those emerging in Latin Europe. Whereas the issue of leadership is of common interest, significant differences were underscored regarding political traditions, philosophical references, epistemologies, timelines, etc.
The goal of the new conference in Rome is to acknowledge the variety of specific approaches developed by Latin European countries and to unravel the rationale of the processes which have led them to raise the issue of educational leadership, while analysing their differences.
The conference is organised in collaboration with Università Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, which has a special interest in educational leadership issues and since 2003 has been running the advanced Master Programme in “Educational Leadership and Management”.
Leaving aside the presentation of national monographies, the conference will address a set of crucial overarching questions concerning the policy framework as well as the engagement of local actors in leadership issues.
Day one, the opening session will tackle the following question: how do Latin countries interpret and implement the notion of school autonomy and educational leadership within the context of international development?
Session one will focus on the transformation of education as a consequence of the changes in the function of the state, e.g. the welfare crisis, the breakdown of bureaucracy within the context of a Roman conception of the state.
Day two, session two will tackle the implications and consequences of these transformations with respect to the new professional profiles and the competences they imply.
A specific panel (session three) is then devoted to the Italian context of «Cross competences in secondary teacher education».
In the afternoon the workshops (session four) will allow researchers and actors involved in the field to share their experience. Parallel sessions are foreseen, each focusing on a specific topic.
Day three. The two conclusive sessions (sessions five and six) will attempt to figure out possible future perspectives, starting from the analysis of present atmospheres of leadership and their challenges.
2.30 pm Conference opening
Mario Panizza Rettore Università Roma Tre
Pasquale Basilicata Direttore Generale Università Roma Tre
Marcello Limina General Director for International Relations, Ministry of Education
3 - 3.30 pm Introduction
Gaetano Domenici Università Roma Tre
The issue of educational leadership in Latin Europe
3.30 - 5 pm
Opening session round table
A European perspective on educational leadership: positioning Europe, the Mediterranean and the Latin countries
Europe brings together countries with different histories and political traditions, yet the educational leadership is a shared interest and concern. The conference opens with a round table aimed at drawing the map of some crucial issues: which developments have led to the concern for educational leadership? What is the space for educational leadership in current policies? What are the obstacles and the challenges?
Chair: Kathy Kikis-Papadakis European Policy Network on School Leadership
Joao Barroso Universidade de Lisboa
Jean-Louis Derouet École Normale Supérieure de Lyon-Institut Français de l'éducation
Helen Gunter University of Manchester
Lejf Moos University of Aarhus
Giovanni Moretti Università Roma Tre
5 - 5.30 pm Coffee break
5.30 - 7 pm
Autonomies and responsibilities: changes in the State and new ways of managing education
Autonomy, responsibility and leadership have become key words in the current time of crisis of the welfare system. How do these notions link with new conceptions of the State and its social environment? Why are they presented as the new ways to pursue effectiveness while maintaining traditions of equality?
Chair: Romuald Normand Université de Strasbourg
Eleftheria Argyropoulou University of Crete
Role of the state and administrative traditions in Latin countries
Joaquin Gairin Université Autonome de Barcelone
Roberto Serpieri Università Federico II, Napoli
School autonomy and leadership issues in Italy
Leadership, learning and teaching
9 - 11 am Session 2 panel
Educational leadership and teaching: sharing responsibilities at school level
Approaches to leadership do not only concern headship. They also engage teachers, who are called to participate in school life with new responsibilities: heads of departments, project managers, mentors…
Chair: Giovanna Barzanò MIUR, Institute of Education
Silvia Kanizsa Università di Milano
Teacher leadership in the classroom: educational perspectives
Lejf Moos University of Aarhus
Leadership: towards a participatory democracy in schools?
Pierre Tulowitzki University of Teacher Education Zug
Leadership and teaching professions' development in Germany
Monica Gather Thurler Université de Genève
Socio-political conditions for a shared educational leadership among actors.
11 - 11.30 am Coffee break
11.30 - 13.30 am Session 3 round table
Cross competencies and educational leadership in secondary teacher education
The new definition of responsibilities calls for a new definition of teacher education and professional development. Teachers need to develop new competences on the school as a whole; they need to learn how to understand the difficulties emerging from evaluations and look for new proposals to tackle them. Developing these competences may also mean becoming engaged in research.
Chair: Giovanni Moretti Università Roma Tre
Valeria Biasci Università Roma Tre
Fabio Bocci Università Roma Tre
Helen Gunter University of Manchester
Andrej Koren University of Ljubljana
Pietro Lucisano Sapienza, Università di Roma
1.30 - 3 pm Lunch
3 - 7 pm Session 4 Parallel Workshops
Leadership and accountability
Chair Giovanna Barzanò MIUR - Ministero Istruzione Università e Ricerca
- Accountability and management in Portuguese public school: directors’ experiences and opinions. AFONSO, Almerindo J. & MARTINS, Fernanda - University of Minho, Portugal Department of Social Sciences of Education
- Formazione e transizione da insegnanti a leader educativi. Giovanna Barzanò - Institute of Education London e Ministero Università e Ricerca; Moretti Giovanni - Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione - Università Roma Tre
- The perceptions of stakeholders on the evaluation of educational collaborative leadership to improve the performance of the institution: the case of a vocational - technical school in Cyprus. Alberto Cassera Docente, Cipro – Master LME Università Roma Tre
- Critical analysis of output-oriented performance management systems in schools. Barbara Kohlstock, PhDHead of Management and Leadership, Zurich University of Teacher Education
- Gouvernance de l’ecole et excellence scolaire: Les representations des eleves distingués dans un cadre d’excellence. José A. Palhares - Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Leadership organisation and professional development
Chair Nora revai - Tempus Public Foundation Hungary
- Leadership diffusa, comunità di pratiche e sviluppo professionale degli insegnanti neoassunti. Giuditta Alessandrini & Moretti Giovanni, Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione - Università Roma Tre
- Il contributo dell’associazione professionale Proteo Fare Sapere “Dirigenza scolastica e leadership, tra normativa, ricerche e sperimentazioni. Antonio Valentino, dirigente scolastico, Antonio Bettoni, presidente Proteo Fare Sapere
- Culture enseignante. Le regard des enseignants portugais. Paula Borges, Doctorat en Education, Administration e Organization Scolaires, Université de Lisbonne - Instituto Superior de Educação e Trabalho
- Les Directeurs de la classe dans l'enseignement articulé de la musique: représentations et expériences Fernanda Martins & Teresa Sarmento - Universidade do Minho, Portugal
- Il middle management nella scuola dell’autonomia: il docente funzione strumentale. il portfolio come strumento di sviluppo professionale ed organizzativo. Dottoranda: dott.ssa Lorena Pirola - Università di Macerata, Italia
- Turnover e dirigenza scolastica. Effetti sul clima organizzativo. Francesca Dello Preite, Dottoranda in Scienze della Formazione, Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione e Psicologia, Università di Firenze.
Leadership and participative democracy
Chair Pierre Tulowitzki - University of Teacher Education Zug
- Le leadership éducationnel qui vient des premiers échecs. Aliny Lamoglia, Lucia Maria Freitas Perez, Sandra Albernaz de Medeiros - Université Fédérale de l’État de Rio de Janeiro - Unirio
- Climat scolaire et citoyenneté. Le regard d’élèves portugais . Conceição Alves Pinto, Instituto Superior de Educação e Trabalho e Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, Manuela Teixeira, Instituto Superior de Educação e Trabalho, mmteixeira
- L’importance du leadership pour la construction de l’équité des résultats. Adélia Maria Leal Lopes - doutoranda na Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
- Le rôle du leadership éducatif dans les acquisitions des élèves au brésil. Maria Alice Nogueira & Maria Teresa G. Alves - Université Fédérale de Minas Gerais/Brésil
- Educational context and value-based leadership model of the adolescents. Émiliane Rubat du Mérac Dottorato di ricerca in Pedagogia – XXVII ciclo – Università Roma tre
Leadership and institutional cultures
Chair Emiliano Grimaldi - Università Federico II Napoli
- Le poids des positions hiérarchiques et des interdépendances locales dans les logiques d’établissements. Perrine Devleeshouwer, Docteure en Sciences Sociales et Politiques, Post-Doctoral Researcher
- The direction and management of state schools in Portugal: policies, perspectives and practices (1998-2012). Mariana Dias, Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa
- Le leadership éducatif en Suisse: des conceptions et cultures de gouvernance différentes aux acceptions et pratiques divergentes. Monica Gather Thurler, Laetitia Progin (Laboratoire LIFE)
- Les municipalités portugaises dans la provision publique de l’éducation: nature et intentionnalité. João Pinhal, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação
- La recherche sur l'administration scolaire au Portugal: thèmes, approches et méthodologies. Leonor L. Torres, Universitédu Minho, Portugal, Licínio C. Lima Université du Minho, Portugal
- Leadership e Management nel sistema d'istruzione ellenico: scuola primaria. Vasiliki Vervele - Docente, Grecia – Master LME Università Roma Tre.
Educational leadership: future perspectives
9 - 10.45 am Session 5 panel
The impact of leadership on education: improving learning, equality and citizenship
New organisational frameworks are often presented as the most suitable to tackle the diversification of educational aims: maintaining the pace of performances within the context of international competition, pursuing equality, building up citizenship in multiethnic and multicultural societies.
Chair: Luigi Guerra Università di Bologna
Joao Barroso Universidade de Lisboa
Leadership developments within the context of new regulatory modes: tensions and challenges
Romuald Normand Université de Strasbourg
Leadership and the multiple principles of justice in education: which views of the common good?
Jaap Scheerens Université de Twente
Leadership and school effectiveness.
10.45 - 11.15 am Coffee break
11.15 am -1.30 pm session 6 closing round table
Issues of values: how do the notions of autonomy, responsibility and leadership link with definitions of the common good?
This conference is a further step towards a broader mobilisation of reflections and ideas on educational leadership. The discussion occurred in the Lyon 2012 meeting concerned the diversity of EU educational leadership contexts. This conference tackles Latin educational leadership and expands the focus to non EU Mediterranean countries as well as to Latin American countries.
The closing round table intends to draw on the discussion developed in the first two days to open up the floor to the issues of values, which should be the focus of a further appointment in the near future.
Chairs: Jean-Louis Derouet ENS de Lyon-IFÉ
Gaetano Domenici Università Roma Tre
Glynn Kirkham République Tchèque
Andrej Koren University of Ljubljana
Romuald Normand Université de Strasbourg
Giuseppe Spadafora Università di Cosenza
Pierre Tulowitzki University of Teacher Education Zug CH